Give Back Projects
Cheryl Bowles, founder and CEO of the The Herbarium Ltd has continuously supported the development of groups and organizations within the society, and as such has established a division within the company which` handles numerous requests on a weekly basis from organizations and persons throughout Trinidad and Tobago.
In 2003, the staff of the Herbarium Ltd was approached with the concept of donating $20.00 per month toward a special Community Care fund called "Give-Back Project". The staff members were given a further incentive in that whatever they had generated over the year, will be matched by the company. The members of staff fully supported this project. They are responsible for suggesting possible recipients for the funds.
Two recent "Give Back" initiatives by Cher-Mere are:
The Cheryl Bowles Annual Challenge Trophy and Bursary 2021 awarded to Best Science Student, Christopher Browne, of the University of The West Indies, St Augustine.
SEA Students Have Talent Competition 2019.
The fund has been used to donate items to various charities and organizations such as Rainbow Rescue, Habitat for Humanity, various hurricane initiatives, the Cancer Society of Trinidad and Tobago and any more.