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Spa Etiquette

How long before my appointment should I arrive?

  • We suggest you arrive at least 10 minutes before the time of your appointment so you can fully enjoy our spa experience.

Are first time customers required to fill out any forms?

  • First time guests are requested to fill out a customer profile form which will ask you about contraindications which may prevent you from enjoying a treatment.
  • If you are affected by any of the conditions below you should consult your physician prior to visiting the spa, and advise our personnel before your treatment begins. Conditions include. 
  • Pregnancy
  • Allergies
  • Recent surgery
  • Physical ailments such as epilepsy, cancer, diabetes, cardiac problems.
  • If you have in pacemakers or any metal objects in the body
  • Please inform us when making a booking.

How should I prepare for my visit to the spa?

  • You will receive a gown. You will be requested to remove jewelry for most of the services and secure them. Cher-Mere Spa is not responsible for any lost or misplaced items.
  • Some spa services include Steam Therapy and require that you walk with an extra change of underwear.
  • You will not be required to undress completely. You will be draped with towels during your body treatments except for the areas that are being treated. Our staff is professionally trained to accommodate your privacy.

What about cell phones, pagers and PDA’s?

  • The spa is a place of relaxation and peace. We ask that you leave these at home or turn them off prior to commencing any treatment

Are gratuities included?

  • They are not included and are left completely to your discretion.

Important notes:

  • The spa welcomes persons 16 years of age and older. Any guests under 16 years of age require adult supervision and consent to receive treatments. Minimum age is 10 years.
  • We always advocate that you give feedback to your service provider. We want you to be comfortable so please advise us if you want the pressure or technique of your service to be adjusted.
  • For your comfort we recommend you allow an hour between your last meal and your treatments. We also suggest you avoid coffee or alcohol prior to any spa treatments.
  • The spa is a non-smoking  and non-eating facility.
  • All prices displayed do not include taxes.  
  • We welcome walk in guests. Their accommodation is subject to allocated spare capacity or cancellations.


  • We require a valid credit card number at time of booking for group appointments.

Cancellation/ Late Arrival Policy

  • We require a minimum of 24 hours advance notice for the cancellation of a single service 
  • Please keep in mind that if you arrive late the duration of your treatment will be shortened or your appointment may be rescheduled so that the next guest may begin on time.

We thank you for your continued support and look forward to serving you